Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The return of the Pettys.

Look who came back…. our extended family, the Pettys!

November brings on thoughts of thankfulness and we are so thankful for these very dear friends of ours. We were pretty pumped that Ben and Kristi were able to visit during our very favorite season. FALL! 

Our adventures included a Central Park picnic, Long Island wine tour, East Village comedy show, walking the Brooklyn Bridge to leave locks behind, visiting the FRIENDS apartment, sipping coffee in West Village, shopping at Chelsea Market, celebrating a surprise 30th birthday party for another good friend, a visit to Juilliard and rushing the Box Office for Broadway tickets…and so much food. WHEW!

And then we slept. For a long time.

Until our next adventure with these two, we will sip cocktails at our home bar - Alford's … inspired by the littlest Petty, Kaylie. :)

"Autumn, the year's last loveliest smile." -WCB

“Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.”


  1. I'm still amazed by all the stuff you guys did while they were in town!! So much fun!! (P.S. I love that quote from You've Got Mail!)

  2. I totally thought of you when I put that quote in there! :)
