Thursday, December 4, 2014

My mom in NYC. Nov 2014.

No? Not the case? Ha! Well I will tell you one thing, my mom does love NYC… and I'm so thankful we experienced it together when I was a pre-teen and that we now get to experience it together with me living here as an adult! Esh… adult. 
Well whatever late 20's means these days. 

When my mom said she was coming back to NYC for a visit, I immediately wanted to know what she wanted to see, eat and explore. Sometimes this question makes me nervous because I know the response just might be "the Statue of Liberty"… but I knew it was a safe bet with my Mom since she has been to NYC several times now. So when she said the only thing she really wanted to try was dim sum… I was psyched! 

I was also extremely excited that she was able to visit during the perfect time when Fall starts to smooch a bit with Christmas. The trees are gorgeous in color and Christmas decor starts to pop up on every single corner. 

I mean… what is a trip to NYC without a quick visit with Matt? :) 

I also took my mom to see the Rockettes Radio City Christmas Spectacular! If there is a Vegas of NYC and Christmas shows, this is it friends. And it was fabulous. So fabulous that I tried showing Richard YouTube snippets later that night, he didn't seem to understand our excitement. 

Later that night we grabbed thai in West Village before heading to a volunteer event at the Bailey-Holt House. I love that my mom is always up for a new volunteer adventure. I think she is now used to me just signing her up for whatever is needed! A lot like my lovely husband. The two of them really are great. :) During the volunteer event we scooped ice cream, lots and lots of ice cream, and ran a Christmas card table that my mom rocked. I love that a few of the sweet residents gave her the name Texas. I swear, her accent gets stronger every single time I see her!

Our resident bartender did his magic and crafted two 
lovely hot toddys to warm us back up later that night. 

Here we are, in China Town to check-out the oh so popular dim sum spot... Jing Fong! Holy moly it is an experience. From being one of the hundreds handed a ticket to wait in line… to the food carts coming at you a hundred miles an hour. If we didn't have two pros sharing our table, we would have been lost in food heaven. We tried so many tasty things that I can't remember or pronounce. But the one thing that I will always remember is trying chicken feet. Not so much a fan, but when in China Town… 

After church on Sunday we headed to the Turtle Pond in Central Park, to see… ducks. 

If there is a food truck to be experienced, it is most definitely Wafels and Dinges. A little pre-lunch snack. 

I needed leaves for Thanksgiving decor. Leaf picking with these two involved jumping a fence and pulling berries from a private residence. I just knew the leaf cops were going to get us… for real. I walked away from them. 

And before our Thanksgiving meal later that night, my mom brought crafts for us to do! We made pot holders and napkins. As you can tell our napkins reflect our home… Dallas Cowboys and Doxies. 

We so loved having my mom here to visit.

Texas in NYC is always a welcome treat! Love you, Mama, and our adventures!

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