Monday, October 13, 2014

5 Boroughs, 1 Day

Grab your coffee and comfy shoes and get ready for an adventure. 

Our friends visited 5 Boroughs in 1 Day a few years ago and we were inspired. How fun is that? Well, let me tell you. It is very fun, and exhausting. But we are so happy we accepted the challenge. The best thing about living in New York City is the diversity in culture and experience all around you!

Stop 1: Manhattan (58th and East River) 

The cover scene from the Woody Allen and Diane Keaton movie, Manhattan, has always resonated in Richard's mind. So we set out early on a Saturday morning (and I do mean EARLY; Starbucks was not yet open… crazy talk, right???) to capture the iconic movie scene.

Just so you know, even back in the 70s, they liked to adjust real life. Look how close that bridge is… and whaaaat? That fence makes no sense. :)

Stop 2: Bronx (Bronx Zoo)

For the record, I hate zoos. Always have, always will. But my other half loves them. So, future kids, you are in luck. 

So here we are, at this world-famous zoo. The giraffes are kinda cute, I have to admit. 

Stop 3: Staten Island (Staten Island 911 Memorial)

Very few know this memorial exists… and it is gorgeous. Look at that view! 

By the way, did you hear about the police brutality march that took place on Staten Island led by Rev. Al Sharpton? While we were up-to-date on the story and news, we didn't realize it would be taking place at that exact date/time. So, our ferry back was filled with protestors and camera crews. Nice timing, right? 

Stop 4: Brooklyn (Maison Premiere) 

Manhattanites, hear us out…. we ventured over to Williamsburg, and we had… fun! This oyster and cocktail bar outfitted with quirky mixologists was just what we were looking for in a Brooklyn bar. Inventive libations, quaint atmosphere and yummy oysters - check! 

Stop 5: Queens (Salt & Fat, Sunnyside) 

Our dear friend, now turned West Coast Stanford Law (waaaahhhhh!!!!) introduced us to Salt & Fat in his hood. Unfortunately, the night we tried to go - it was closed (note: closed on Mondays!). The food is wonderful, and the best part: you receive complimentary bacon-flavored popcorn the moment you are seated. 

You had me at bacon. 

And that, friends, is 5 Boroughs in 1 Day. No easy task, as you can tell by our tired faces. Such a fun and unique adventure! 

1 comment :

  1. I was just telling Rob yesterday how I wanted to do all five boroughs in one day (without running the NYC Marathon to do so haha)!
