Saturday, June 14, 2014

Frozen Age

Our church has a partnership with Austin Stone Community Church in good ole' Texas. Austin to be exact. So when an email came through asking for volunteers to host college students for a night, we jumped at the opportunity!

The goal was to show what it is like to live in New York City. And, as you can imagine, having roots in Texas… we typically know the types of questions Texans ask. Some good, some just pure crazy. We are becoming pros in that area. And thankfully, some wonderful members of our community group joined the fun.

The group was great. 2 girls, 2 guys… very recent graduates trying to figure out next steps in life. We also decided that Apostles was playing a cruel joke on us for being short since they all towered over us. Well played, Apostles.

After the 60 second apartment tour led by Pickle and Sundae, we dug in to Fat Sal's Pizza and hoped that no one had planned on dieting that evening.  We shared our journey, undergrad experiences, how we ended up in grad school, horrible jobs, great jobs, marriage, and what it is like to live in NYC. A city that has so many needs intertwined with so many opportunities.

The conversation was great…. and then I made a joke that we all seemed to be about the same age.

Laughs, looks, complete and utter confusion.

I guess after I turned 21, I stopped aging in my head. A co-worker told me to brace myself, because this is just the beginning. The point of no return when you begin to categorize yourself with a younger population… who clearly does not put you in the that same category.

Isn't that funny? Our bodies continue to age, our experience grows, we mature… but we still place ourselves with a particular age, frozen in time.

Hello late 20's. I promise not to group you with early 20's anymore… because after all, I do really like you.

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