Sunday, June 1, 2014

Date Night in Chelsea: Art + Highline + Pho

Richard and I came to a realization a few weeks ago.

Our date nights were starting to get… lame. When you live in the city that never sleeps, you really have no excuse for sitting on the couch with leftovers watching TV shows that are more than a decade old. Okay, I'm not going to lie… we do love those nights and are still re-watching Dawson's Creek and the Wonder Years. But, we can do that the other 6 nights in the week.

Sometimes you need a kick-start in routines that you love. So we decided that every other week one of us would plan something new and fun for date night.

Richard was up first and planned a very fun, low-cost and unique night in Chelsea. A neighborhood I used to hate, but have grown to love.

The weather was breezy filled with a deep fog in the air. A perfect night for walking. 

We had dinner at a cute little Vietnamese place tucked in between restaurants, COBA. I can't pass up a good bowl of pho. A lunch tradition I used to share with my mom when I was a teenager. 

We walked one of our favorite parks, The High Line, hand in hand. 

And we toured art viewings for the first time. We had no idea what we were doing, but we enjoyed being out of our element. Our favorite viewing was at the Rogue Space Chelsea. Live art is great for my short attention span. 

A very fun date night indeed. Chelsea, you still surprise me. 

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