Saturday, June 20, 2015

My Texas Babyshower | Dr. Seuss Style

Last weekend we flew to Dallas to celebrate with friends and family! My shower hostesses were creative and wonderful.

Kristi and Brenda D. blew me away with the super cute decor and activities! From a themed photo booth, hand crafted A-Z book for baby, delivery date guessing chart to painting onesies/bibs, there were so many memories made! 

And we even had real goldfish... 1 fish, 2 fish :) My little niece, Chloe, was beyond thrilled that she got to take them home. 

Bren had the cutest themed cake and cookies made - both were such a hit! And my mom and Amy ensured no one went hungry with lots of yummy food! 

Thanks to Amazon's Baby Registry, all gifts were shipped back to NYC, making a Babyshower in another state no problem at all. And my cute lil helper, Kaylie, helped me open all gifts... thankfully since my bending is limited these days! Baby is so loved with much needed essentials, adorable clothing and a kickstart for her future education fund. So thankful! 

Each of these ladies has left an incredible impact on my life! During my early 20's they not only served as my co-workers, but my friends as my career was just kicking off and Richard and I were adjusting to married life. They are each gems and I'm so thankful for them! 

Also, I can't tell you how crazy excited I was to finally receive one of Becky's handmade quilts! This lovely lady is oh so talented and the week we found out we were pregnant I told Richard, "I finally get a Becky quilt!!!" 

I love these friends from college so much, from sorority life to date nights to weddings and babies... our photos tell quite the story. These girls have made life so much fun. :) And this belly photo! Steph was one of the first girls I met in college. 10 years later we are both expecting our first. And both girls! Thanks to Kristi, Jess and Mindy... I have wonderful examples to follow of awesome moms. 

This group! We've been together since the days of Hanson, Spice Girls and all-things awkward (ah, Middle School braces). There is something so wonderful about watching our lives grow together, with unexpected twists and turns. Thankful for the journey and the many celebrations we've experienced together so far! 

You guys. This is one VERY excited grandma-to-be! Loved that she's decked out in pink! And look how much taller I am than my mom (granted, she is only 5 foot :), I'm thinking little miss thom thom might pass me up! 

So many excited ladies in our family -great-grandmas, grandmas, mimi's, great-aunts, aunts and cousins! :) My grandma said she's had 6 dreams about us getting pregnant and 4 of the 6 were about girls. Guess she won those odds. 

I really loved getting to celebrate with these special people in Dallas. Each holds a dear place in my heart! This little girl is already loved by so many. So thankful for the love and support. 

Fun facts from the weekend: 
- Of the 5 hostesses, three had the same name. 
- I threw up immediately following the shower. I just can't kick all-day sickness! 
- Due to weather issues, it took us almost 13 hours to get home (including having to take a train from Philly)! We could have made it to Europe in that amount of time. :) 

More fun photos from the weekend! 

Awesome dad-to-be helping with last minute shower prep. :) 

Uncle Richard with Chloe and Jude! : 

Richard's side:

My side: 

Our besties that are framily: 

It wouldn't be Texas without some fun in the sun. 

20 weeks pregnant, halfway there! 

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