Monday, June 30, 2014

NYC Summer Fun: On a budget!

Oh summer, how we love you. Sipping chilled wine and soaking in Vitamin D is something I look forward to all year long. Being on a budget and living in a crazy expensive city means we look for every opportunity to find creative outings. Luckily, New York City is filled with several low cost options in the summer!

Shakespeare in the Park
This is our third summer living in NYC and we had Shakespeare in the Park at the very top of our list. Some of the best things in New York City are free - which means there is a very high demand for them! Thus, our 6:30AM Central Park journey began with tickets being released around noon. The past 5 weekends, we have been sitting in Central Park on picnic blankets with friends anyways… might as well strategically sit in a line for tickets, right?

And it was so worth it. The breakfast and conversation (and Central Park views!) were an added bonus. We saw Much Ado About Nothing and it was hilarious and fun. The cast was fantastic and our favorite , Benedick, stole the show. Fun fact - he is in Game of Thrones!

Bryant Park
Bryant park is a short walk from both of our offices - and it's one of the best parks in the city with amazing views. For date night a few weeks ago, we grabbed mexican food and margaritas to-go and enjoyed a gorgeous view right at sunset. This park has a ton of unique free offerings like the Reading Room which began in the Depression Era. We were lucky enough to catch the end of a writer's workshop! Other free events include yoga, movies in the park (so fun!) and career panels.

I was lucky enough to soak up some sun the same week during the day and sip summer drinks while celebrating Meghan's birthday!

Hidden Outdoor Gardens  
I am just now realizing how many hidden outdoor gardens exist in the city! I've started keeping notes on my phone when I see restaurant signs around the city with "open garden". For a mid-week vacation, Drea and I disappeared into the garden at Vespa on the Upper East Side and enjoyed (as you can tell!) a pitcher of yummy sangria.

City Views
It does not matter if I am at a work event, heading to the grocery store or outside exercising, I always have my phone in hand to snap unexpected views. New York City is filled with so much beauty and a unique mix of parks and buildings - and every single season has something new to offer. This will always make me feel like a tourist on vacation, trying to soak in every moment by documenting what I see. I just love it.

Explore Other Neighborhoods 
We really love our neighborhood. The Upper East Side is hands-down our favorite place in the city for a variety of reasons. However, we love to explore and experience different neighborhoods throughout the city. There is so much out there and so much to see and taste! We do find ourselves in the Lower East Side quite often… and recently have been exploring Sunnyside, Queens! It is always a bonus to explore with friends. 

Have A Beach Day
One of the things we didn't realize until our first summer in the city was the amazing beaches we had access to … by public transit! As a Texan, I most definitely miss lazy pool days, but I so enjoy spending a day at the beach in the sand. We just pack a picnic, throw on our swimsuit and head to the waves. 

Enjoy Friends and Food
Late night ice cream dates, walks along the Carl Schurz promenade, homemade dinners after trips to the local fruit stands, last minute bar meet ups and neighborhood dinners are so enjoyable in the warmer months when everyone wants to be outdoors. There is just something so nice and easy about walking to meet up with friends in the summer months. 

Central Park
One of our favorite places on earth is Central Park. Lucky for us, we can walk to our favorite place in under 15 minutes. Whether we are enjoying a late brunch, date night with wine on top of rocks, fancy cocktails at The Loeb Boathouse, sipping coffee on a snowy day, celebrations with friends or a sightseeing walk with tourists… we are always happy here. 

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