Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Year 1. NYC.

Year 1.

You know why I love being married to Richard? He loves to dream with me... and we dream best over whiskey and wine. When you get married, you suddenly realize all of those "some day conversations" you've had with your soon-to-be spouse (over whiskey and wine, of course) are now plans you can actually run with...

We talked, shared, prayed, laughed and fantasized about moving to New York City for years. Family just politely smiled, friends' reactions were a mix of excitement or the "you are beyond crazy" look but I'll humor you. So once the stars aligned and God moved mountains to get us here... we then had to figure out what was next.

We both secured jobs (check!), found an apartment (check, check!) and learned to navigate the city even through meltdowns (me), an apartment fire (me), and being homesick (me)... Seeing a trend here? Tack on emergency trips to the vet and major dental issues and you suddenly wonder when things will calm down. And they did.

Remember the timeless GirlScout song (no?!?!) "make new friends...but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold''. True classic right there. That, to me, has been our theme of year one in NYC. Our ever-growing list of food and sights continues, but without a deep sense of community I've realized I feel very, very lost. Year one has been an interesting mix of trying to hold on to community in Texas while seeking community in NYC... and realizing that you can, will and should have both. It just takes time and patience (a virtue that seems to hide from me). For us, that deep sense of community has been able to grow and thrive at our church,  Apostles NYC.

When I am in the middle of a new season in life, I often times panic. I convince myself I'm depressed, that my life is not where it should be and I should be doing or feeling something else ... It's exhausting. If I would just stop (you want me to say collaborate and listen... don't you) and be still, I can enjoy this season of life. God doesn't want us to worry our seasons away - if we just trust Him, we will see that we will make it out just fine with a few laughs and fun memories along the way.

I've learned, Richard's learned, we've both learned a LOT from our move.

Here's the summary.
1. Follow your dreams. If you don't, your wonder will one day turn into regret.
2. Make a plan. Stick to a plan. Allow yourself to deviate from the plan.
3. Embrace being alone. Embrace new friends. Embrace old friends.
4. Appreciate new cultures and ways of life, but don't feel like you don't belong. People enjoy differences. If they don't, move on.
5. Create your own adventures and document them along the way.
6. Get lost in food. Dine alone. Dine with many. Dine with your spouse at home. Dine with friends at dinner parties you throw. Just dine.
7. Be great at work - enjoy your strengths and learn from your weaknesses. Then walk away from work and enjoy the day.
8. a couple, for work, to see friends and family, for a fun vacation or just to explore. And take it in. Take that picture, walk that extra block, try that new dish.
9. Be still. Embrace change, new sounds, smells and routines. Never forget old ones.
10. Never regret. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Enjoy the moment because tomorrow it could change.

Would we make the move again? Absolutely.
Was it hard? Absolutely.
Are there things we don't like about the city? Absolutely.
Do we love living in NYC? Absolutely.

To celebrate the wild and wide-ranged mixed of emotions that come from moving away from our Southern roots to the city that never sleeps, we treated ourselves to an awesome steakhouse, Keens, in the city and clinked our glasses to what has been the craziest and most fabulous adventure together, thus far.

What's in store for us next? For once, we don't have a detailed timeline. And that is okay.



  1. Everything about this is perfect. I can hear your voice in y head when reading your writing - love it!

  2. This is amazing. We love and miss you guys so much!

  3. We are so blessed to have you guys in our lives here!

  4. i knew not to read this at work. I knew it would make me cry!! I'm glad you are still enjoying the adventure and hope you have many more ahead of you. We miss you here but are glad to let you go enjoy the world! Love you both, Mom
