Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2013 Oscars

Takin' it old school...chalkboard style!

You know you are watching a good movie when you leave the theatre thinking...
That is exactly how we felt with some of this past year's Oscar nominees! For the third year in a row, Richard created a "U-Pick-Em" Oscars sheet to create a little fun around the big event. This year, we went even crazier...I know what you are thinking, "how can you get crazier than a trivia sheet?"...we fit a total of THIRTEEN people in our closet of an apartment to host an Oscar Party. Think clown car. Pretty impressive, right? It really should be a new world record.

Party highlights included our super fancy red carpet and entrance pictures. As you can see above, Sundae is hard at work laying out the red carpet before guests arrived. We truly are slave drivers. We also played Oscar BINGO with category-themed prizes including...

Lincoln: "Lean Can" 98% fat free soup
Django Unchained: "Djello Uncooked"  Box of Jello Powder
Zero Dark Thirty: "Zero Dark Chocolate" White Chocolate Candy
Argo: "Argo Fudge Yourself" Fudge Brownie Mix

Exciting times, friends. Exciting times.

 "I Can't Believe Russell Crow Actually Sang-ria"...yum!
Red Carpet Entrances and Oscar Attire

Cheers to the 85th Academy Awards!

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