Thursday, June 15, 2017

How do you wind down at night?

When I was in my 20's, most of my nights were filled to the brim. But I'd always fall asleep the second I hit the pillow! 

Lately, I've been sneaking away to our bedroom for about 20 mins to read or catch-up on blogs, and occasionally sip champagne and relax in our bed before reading Elle's "book of the week". Richard winds down with Elle while she sips her night-night milk and watches one episode of the infamous Elmo. 

This week's book has been "Wheels on the Bus" by James Dean. Which means lots of signing! 

After getting a squirmy toddler into her PJ's and to brush her teeth with her pink banana toothbrush (and lots of kisses!), Richard sings her classical favorites before tip-toeing out of her room. Finally, we get a few couch snuggles in with Pickle and Sundae while watching a documentary and then slip off to bed! 

A sweet little night routine that I've come to love. Hope you have a lovely one too. 


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